DRIEMS, founded in the wake of the devastating Super Cyclone of 1999 in Odisha, stands as a testament to unwavering determination and visionary leadership. The institute began as a humble educational initiative in a rural area of Cuttack, a leap of faith by its founder, Dr. Pramod Chandra Rath, who was inspired to fulfill his father’s dream. What started twenty-four years ago as a modest step has today evolved into a prestigious University, an institution of excellence that continues to expand the horizons of knowledge and service.
Situated on a sprawling 150-acre campus, DRIEMS has grown from its infant beginnings in a small building with a single B.Tech course to an educational powerhouse catering to over 6000 students. It now offers more than 50 courses across 12 disciplines, including Engineering, Medical Science, Paramedical, Nursing, Pharmacy, Management, and Polytechnic programs. The institute’s growth is not just quantifiable in numbers but also in the quality and diversity of education it provides, ensuring that it truly is a place where lives are made.
DRIEMS’s commitment to society and humanity was particularly evident during the global Covid crisis when the DRIEMS Society ventured into saving lives by establishing the Padmini Care Multi-specialty hospital. Named after the motherly and caring personality of Late Padmini Rath,wife of Dr.Pramod Chandra Rath ,the hospital is a manifestation of the institute’s vision “Sarvabhute Hite Ratah” – meaning “In the welfare of all.” It is dedicated to providing the best care to the poorest, thus living up to its name and ideals.
The institute is not only a place of learning but also a community where the dedication of faculty, students, and the selfless support of co-travelers in the journey of progress converge to create an environment of academic excellence. It has been recognized with the highest ‘A’ grade by NAAC and is known for its dedicated, qualified, and highly experienced team of faculty members and trainers. The commitment to providing excellent teaching-learning standards is further affirmed by its recognition from the International Accreditation Organization.
Moreover, DRIEMS has earned various national and international recognitions in the field of academics, including the ISTE Best Engineering College award in 2018 and the Best Student Chapter award in 2019. These accolades are a testament to the institute’s relentless pursuit of excellence and its commitment to fostering an environment where students can thrive and achieve their full potential.
DRIEMS is not just an educational institution; it is a beacon of hope, a community of learning, and a place where possibilities are limitless. From its humble beginnings to its current status as a University, it has remained steadfast in its mission to provide quality education and service to society. The journey of DRIEMS is a story of resilience, vision, and unwavering commitment to the welfare of all, making it a true epitome of academic excellence and societal service.
"DRIEMS University has been a transformative experience, providing not only top-notch education but also fostering an environment where innovation and leadership can thrive. It's truly a place where dreams are nurtured into reality."
"I congratulate Dr. Rath for creating esteemed institutions like DRIEMS. I inspire DRIEMS students to pioneer solutions for environmental challenges through their educational journey."
DRIEMS, a Premier Technical Institute of India with the highest ‘A’ Grade by NAAC (under UGC) has grown from strength to strength since its inception in 1999.