About DRIEMS Hackathon
AICTE, New Delhi in association with Ministry of Education, Innovation Cell, Govt. of India is conducting Smart India Hackathon (SIH) in November 2024 and the registration of the participating student teams of various technical institutions ends on 12th of September 2024.
As per the instructions of the SIH organizers for the student teams to participate in the SIH event. the technical institutions have to conduct an internal Hackathon among the aspiring student teams by nominating a SPOC (single point of contact) faculty member of the institution. The SPOC will do a final selection of a maximum of 30 student teams for registering for the national level SIH based on the evaluation on the ideas, presentation and models of the participating student teams of the internal Hackathon. So, more number of students are being encouraged to register and participate in the internal Hackathon process.
In view of the above context, School of Engineering and Technology (SOET) is organizing an Internal Hackathon for the students of its 6 departments on 5th of September 2024.
Guidelines for DRIEMS Hackathon-2024
1. The student team has to choose a problem from the problem statements given in Smart India Hackathon-2024 web portal and develop their ideas for solving that particular problem.
2. The student team has to present their ideas on solutions to their chosen problem through any of the followings:
a. PPT and Report
b. PPT, Report and Prototype Model
3. All the student team members must be from the same institutions (no inter-college teams) irrespective of branches and years.
4. Each team consists of 6 members, including the team leader.
5. At least one female team member is mandatory
6. Student can choose their mentors from the host institution only.
7. There is no student registration fee for DRIEMS Hackathon-2024.
8. The team must contain 6 students of the same institution irrespective of branch & year.
9. One female student is mandatory in each team.
10. Project idea submission should be based on the problem statements (ps) provided in the SMART INDIA HACKATHON (SIH-2024) web portal (https://www.sih.gov.in/sih2024ps)
11. After submission of this form the team leaders have to add their teams in the WhatsApp community ” DRIEMS HACKATHON 2024″ to get the updates on hackathon. (invitation link is getable after submission of this form)
12. The last date of form submission is 03/09/2024
13. The date of hackathon is 05/09/2024 and the venue of hackathon is Academic Block-i (software) & Academic Block-ii (hardware), SOET, DRIEMS University.
14. Team leaders have to bring their own laptops for presentation.
15. A team may have maximum of two mentors. Mentors may be internal faculty or industry experts.
16. Mode of hackathon is power point presentation (PDF) & report submission (PDF)
17. Powerpoint should be within 6 slides and report should be within 10 pages describing the idea of solution to the chosen problem statement (PS)
18. The template for Powerpoint presentation can be downloaded from SIH-2024 website. (https://sih.gov.in/). Idea submission ppt should be as per the requirements of the template as the same PPT is going to be uploaded for SIH-2024 if selected.
19. Model/ prototype development and demonstration is optional (not mandatory) for hardware projects.
20. An offline/online mentorship will be provided on 31/08/2024 and 03/09/2024 to the teams registering and completing their PPT before these dates to make their final presentation better on 05/09/2024
21. For any query related to driems hackathon or SMART INDIA HACKATHON-2024 or if anyone interested to be the student volunteer for the hackathon then contact the following student volunteers of soet :- Chittaranjan Behera (2nd year ENTC- 7357806987), Sibasundar Barik(2nd year CSE-6370628450).
22. The winning team of the DRIEMS Hackathon 2024 will be awarded as 1st, 2nd & 3rd and will get certificates accordingly. All other participating teams will get participation certificates.
Any help needed for team formation, idea generation & mentor selection, contact anyone of the following faculty members of SOET (online/offline)
Dr. Bajra Panjar Mishra (ENTC) – 9007346727
Dr. Prateeva Mahali (CSE) – 8895623002
Prof. Niva Tripathy (CSE) – 8895302269
Prof. Shekharesh Barik (CSE) – 8249900414
Dr. Anurekha Nayak (EE) – 9439550003
Dr. Deepak Ranjan Biswal (ME) – 9937542025
Dr. Uttam Kumar Tarai (ME) – 9085432922
Prof. Jayashree Bhuyan (CE) – 7978877400

Fill up the registration form &
Join the WhatsApp Community ASAP
For Software Projects Evaluation

Mr. Jaydev Das
COO, Andolasoft PVT LTD, BBSR

Dr. Deepak Kumar Rout
IIIT, Bhubaneswar
For Hardware Projects Evaluation

Prof. Kishor Chandra Singh
World Skill Centre, Bhubaneswar

Prof. Sudhanshu Sekhar Puhan
World Skill Centre, Bhubaneswar
1. Dr. Anurekha Nayak, HOD, EE, SOET, DRIEMS University
2. Dr. Pratap Chandra Pradhan, HOD, EEE, SOET, DRIEMS University
3. Dr. Jibanananda Mehena, HOD, ENTC, SOET, DRIEMS University
4. Dr. Tushar Kanta Samal, CSE, SOET, DRIEMS University
5. Prof. Surajeet Mohanty, HOD, CSE, SOET, DRIEMS University
6. Dr. Deepak Ranjan Biswal, HOD, ME, SOET, DRIEMS University
7. Dr. Biplab Behera, HOD, CE, SOET, DRIEMS University
DRIEMS Hackathon
Overall inspection in charge
1. Prof. (Dr.) Priyadarshi Kanungo, Director (Academics), DRIEMS University
2. Prof. Lokanath Behera, Director (Student Relation), DRIEMS University
3. Prof. (Dr.) Nayan Ranjan Samal, Dean, SOET, DRIEMS University
4. Prof. (Dr.) Alok Ranjan Biswal, Associate Dean, SOET, DRIEMS University
5. Dr. Bajra Panjar Mishra, Asst. Professor, ENTC,SOET and SPOC, DRIEMS Hackathon and SIH-2024
Arrangement and technical support team
1. Prof. Maheswar Mishra, CSE, DRIEMS University
2. Prof. Niva Tripathy, CSE, DRIEMS University
3. Prof. Subhranshu Kumar Singh, ENTC, DRIEMS University
4. Prof. Sushree Madhusmita Mishra, EE, DRIEMS University
5. Prof. Jayshree Bhuyan, CE, DRIEMS University
6. Mr. Sameer Sahoo, ME, DRIEMS University
7. Mr. Prabhat Kumar Sahoo, ENTC, DRIEMS University
8. Mrs. Madhusmita Naik, CSE, DRIEMS University
9. Mrs. Lomashradha Parida, CSE, DRIEMS University
10. Mr. Santosh Pradhan, IT cell, DRIEMS University
11. Mr. Jagdish Barik, IT cell, DRIEMS University

Time | Activity | September 5, 2024 (Friday) |
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM | Registration & Welcome | Check-in & Tea/ Coffee/ Snacks |
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM | Opening Ceremony & Problem Statement Reveal | Project Idea/Model Presentation and Examination by Juries Begins |
12:00 PM – 01:00 PM | Evaluation of Team Formation & Ideation | Evaluation by External and Internal Juries |
01:00 PM – 02:00 PM | Lunch Break | Lunch Break |
02:00 PM – 03:30 PM | Evaluation of Team Formation & Ideation | Evaluation by External and Internal Juries |
03:30 PM – 04:00 PM | Day Wrap-Up | Feedback & Certificate Distribution |
Venues of DRIEMS Hackathon 2024
- Hardware Projects: MPMC LAB and EC LAB Third Floor, Dept. of ENTC, Academic Block-II
- Software Projects: Computer Centre LAB, Third Floor, Dept. of CSE, Academic Block-I
SIH process flow and Timeline

- Faculty